Discover your Network Like a Boss with the New netTerrain Collector

Discover your Network Like a Boss with the New netTerrain Collector

By - February 7, 2019

Up until now, the discovery of the network in netTerrain was done through the Integration Toolkit (ITK). This discovery process worked quite well across multiple scenarios; there were cases, however, where the ITK discovery fell short. What did we do? We took a look at all the instances in which our discovery had limitations. Starting…

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Easy Cable Management Using the New Cable Mapper

Easy Cable Management Using the New Cable Mapper

By - October 2, 2018

Cable management can be a daunting task, especially if you need to create many cables between different ports in your inventory. You can use shortcuts and other methods to create single cables between different ports. You can also create multiple cables between sequences of ports using shortcuts, however, this only works when there is some…

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Buh-bye DCIM Magic Quadrant!

Buh-bye DCIM Magic Quadrant!

By - October 1, 2018

This is old news already, but you may have read that the Gartner DCIM magic quadrant is “retired”. It’s easy to bash Gartner for this on as it was such a mediocre effort one wouldn’t know where to begin. Let me try with the obvious one: they put CA on the “best quadrant” — in…

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Tips for Pretty Network Diagrams: Links that Sing

Tips for Pretty Network Diagrams: Links that Sing

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In this final blog for our ‘Pretty Network Diagram’ series, we’ll focus on links. In netTerrain, links are not just black lines connecting two nodes: they can have styles, colors, thicknesses, can include bend points, and can also be arranged nicely when you have several links connecting the same endpoints. Link styles Links can include…

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Tips for Pretty Network Diagrams: Resizing and Decorating

Tips for Pretty Network Diagrams: Resizing and Decorating

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In our previous blog on ‘pretty network diagrams’, we discussed alignment and arrangement of objects on your diagrams. Here, we will expand the concept a little further so you can take advantage of some cool features in netTerrain to make your IT documentation sing. Resizing objects in bulk The last thing you want to end…

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Tips for Pretty Network Diagrams: Fast Alignment and Arrangements

Tips for Pretty Network Diagrams: Fast Alignment and Arrangements

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When it comes to doing less manual work, automation and discovery are great: just bring in devices, links, ports, and more into netTerrain and let the machine do the work. We’ve talked about this in great detail in previous blogs — and about how you can automatically position of the objects that you import automatically:…

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How the netTerrain Release Cycle Works

How the netTerrain Release Cycle Works

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In this blog, I want to talk about something that we’ve never discussed before but is of interest to our dear customers: netTerrain’s release life cycle…in other words, when do we release it, how often, how does it work, and how exactly do we decide what to put in a netTerrain version? As the release…

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Circuits in Fiber Plant Documentation: OSP Circuit Layout Records

Circuits in Fiber Plant Documentation: OSP Circuit Layout Records

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A circuit layout record (CLR) is an end-to-end view of a linear connection between two endpoints, on one page. We have seen these before, as when we launched a CLR for a cable or a port, netTerrain tries to follow the path as far out as possible until it encounters no more connections or too…

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Circuits in Fiber Plant Documentation: Terminating and Patching Up OSP Circuits

Circuits in Fiber Plant Documentation: Terminating and Patching Up OSP Circuits

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In the previous blog, we started digging a bit deeper into the details of OSP circuits in netTerrain. This blog is also very technical: we will analyze how netTerrain terminates and patches up the circuits paths that we designed previously. Once you have your paths — with the correct hops, cables and strands — you…

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Circuits in Fiber Plant Documentation: Designing Optimum Circuit Paths

Circuits in Fiber Plant Documentation: Designing Optimum Circuit Paths

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When creating a new circuit in netTerrain, who decides which path it should take and how is that accomplished? There are basically three ways to define a path for a circuit — with decreasing levels of automation: (Most Automation) By having netTerrain choose the shortest path (Less Automation) By having netTerrain choose the shortest path…

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Circuits in Fiber Plant Documentation

Circuits in Fiber Plant Documentation

By - September 30, 2018

In an OSP project, a circuit can be many things: a service between two points A and Z on a map, an MPLS connection going over fiber, or really — any logical relationship between points that uses physical resources of the network. One thing is quite consistent in fiber plant layouts, however: circuits traverse from…

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netTerrain 8.0: Usability, Discovery, API/Security, Outside Plant, & More

netTerrain 8.0: Usability, Discovery, API/Security, Outside Plant, & More

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If you are one of the many active customers wondering when the much anticipated version 7.2 of netTerrain will come out, the answer is… never. Worry not, though. After some deliberation, we felt that a minor release number didn’t do this justice. We have a ton of really big new features coming up, so…in the…

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