Easy Integrations
Visualize & Track
Any Data, Anywhere
Got data? From ServiceNow to homegrown databases: visualize it, integrate it & manage it in clicks.
Boost Operational Efficiency
Cut down on manual tasks and inefficiencies – integrate data from anywhere — from ServiceNow to SolarWinds and even homegrown databases in a couple of clicks.
Make Informed Decisions
Keep your data aligned and conflict-free — synchronize and standardize information from all sources to ensure accuracy and remove discrepancies that can impede decision-making.
Get Unified Reporting
See the full story, not just parts. Save time, increase efficiency, and resolve issues faster with the ability to easily share information across tools, departments, and teams from any web browser.
Reduce IT Overhead
Say goodbye to the complexity of managing disparate systems. Reduce IT costs, simplify maintenance, and create a more agile environment with unified data integration solutions.
Network Connectors
Systems & Apps
Why netTerrain?
Fun to Learn & Use
netTerrain is so easy, you could learn it while eating a bowl of cereal. Just log in, click, and boom — you’re creating diagrams that make sense of your network in no time.
Flexible Like Gumby
In just a few clicks, make netTerrain your own: integrate with any third-party tools, customize floorplans and devices, assign granular security roles, and much more.
Data Entry? Nah.
Discover and map your network with ease, and connect to third-party tools in a snap. And hey, you can even do it all while streaming your favorite cat videos.
Real Help, No Bots
No help bots, no passing the buck – get immediate assistance from experienced IT folks like you in real-time. No more waiting around for a response from a faceless AI.