Tag Archives: netTerrain Logical

ROI Series: Calculate Your ROI from Network Mapping Software
By Jan Durnhofer - December 30, 2021In this blog series, we’re diving into return-on-investment analyses for network mapping and data center infrastructure software. If network documentation and network mapping software can solve your pain points, then this blog and the previous one are for you. If you’re looking for savings in the Data Center, rack documentation, cabling, power and cooling and…
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The Automated Network Mapping Software Checklist
By Fred Koh - August 27, 2021Before you buy automated network mapping software (software that helps network operations to understand all the devices on a network and how they are interconnected through network discovery), you typically go through the process of making sure you really need it, make the case to the bosses upstairs that they really need to fund it,…
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2021: The Year of the Network Diagram
By Fred Koh - January 4, 2021This past year, the need for automated network diagrams and documentation has really been brought to the attention of many organizations — especially with what’s going on with this great world of ours: the pandemic, the different phases of the way we live, and the complete lockdowns. When was the last time you were in…
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Not All Network Documentation is the Same
By Fred Koh - February 7, 2020When I’m talking to network engineers about documenting the network, I always ask the following question, “what does network documentation mean to you?” The responses I get range from: “I just want to document my routers and switches and be able to show this to management” ”I need to document everything — from office workstations,…
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The Totally Biased Guide to Documenting Your Network: What Can Be Documented?
By Jason Sherman - June 5, 2018Now that you’ve identified what it is that you actually need to document, let’s dive into the details….aka what does that look like in your brain? Imagine you have a crystal ball and look into the future: what does your documentation look like. By ‘future’ I mean that you should set a realistic timeline —…
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How to Keep Your Network Diagram Project Right-Sized
By Jason Sherman - May 17, 2018When it comes to mapping and diagramming the network, is there such a thing as inviting ‘too many people to the party’? Of course, it’s always more fun to invite others to your (network documentation) party…and, of course, sometimes you have to. Sometimes, however, it is more effective to start small and do just what…
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The Totally Biased Guide to Documenting Your Network: Want & Need
By Jason Sherman - May 11, 2018In the first installment in this series, we discussed whether or not you have pain. If you’re still reading, you probably determined that you do, indeed, have some very real pain points that you want to solve with automated network mapping and documentation. Your next step, then, is to define what you want to do…vs….
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Why Do You Need Flexible DCIM & Network Mapping Software?
By Jason Sherman - February 14, 2018netTerrain, an automated DCIM and network mapping software suite, adapts to your project…and its unique needs. Let me be clear: netTerrain adapts to your needs — without consultants, months of waiting time, an onboarding process that feels more like training for Mount Everest, and a bunch of extra expenditures you (and your boss) didn’t see…
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If You Need to Replace netViz, Read This
By Jason Sherman - February 2, 2018Since the beginning of time…or, ok, since the 90’s (more or less), network administrators have created a demand for network diagramming software. netViz, a (now discontinued) product of CA Technologies, was introduced to meet network diagramming needs of IT teams. The software offered users hierarchies, (limited) automatic discovery with a graphical interface — with thousands…
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Songs To Listen To When You’re Documenting the Network
By Jason Sherman - February 1, 2018What’s the hands-down most important part of documenting the network? What you listen to. Sorry, you can’t document the network while watching Youtube cat videos….that’s a big no-no. You’ll end up with a fur ball network diagram (oh, I’m too funny — someone get me a job as a comedian). Seriously, though: what to listen…
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Lifehack: Get Your Network Reporting Done (Like a Boss)
By Jason Sherman - October 3, 2017“Ummm…yeah….if you could go ahead and give me this information in that format…that’d be great.” So, about those TPS reports. You know the drill: you’re in your CRM, or network documentation system, or and you need to see certain information in a certain format, “I need to see how many widgets we have to pull…
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Get Application Insights with Network Documentation
By Jason Sherman - June 1, 2017Network documentation is a great thing. With it, you can gain a great deal of insight about your network. Network documentation gives you crucial insight into your network; Physical and logical diagrams help you answer key network questions, such as: ‘What’s the end point connection for this device?’ ‘How much space do I have left…
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