Out with the old…and in with the new! Several months ago, all of us here at Graphical Networks decided we were a bit tired of our old website and ready for a major upgrade. After several rounds of design and edits (including a very cool fish hanging out in the footer that one member of our team vetoed – he will go unnamed as he knows who he is…), we created a website that, like our software, has been designed with the user in mind. Today, we are proud to announce the launch of our fully revamped website!
The new website – located at our existing web address (www.graphicalnetworks.com) – offers quick and easy access to the information customers and prospective customers need most: user-friendly and informative videos, brochures and software specs are now available for all netTerrain products.
The site features a clean, modern design with enhanced functionality. As we continue to grow and expand our market presence, the new Graphicalnetworks.com will serve as a tool for connecting with our customers and the IT visualization community. Further, an innovative integration with our support portal, Zendesk, is currently under development.
We’ve made it simple for anyone to register for a webinar (the summer schedule has been posted) or any other upcoming Graphical Networks event (from our professional certification courses to our Breakfast N’ Learn seminars). We will continue to update the netTerrain blog on a regular basis with our no-nonsense take on visualization trends while also helping consumers navigate what can be a complex, and sometimes opaque, industry. So, go ahead: explore our online resources and please reach out with any feedback or questions!