Tag Archives: DCIM layers

DCIM Hierarchies & Layers: Just Double-Click & Drag-and-Drop

DCIM Hierarchies & Layers: Just Double-Click & Drag-and-Drop

By - December 18, 2017

In this blog (and video), we’ll explore how you can easily create hierarchies and navigate in and out of them using netTerrain (our network documentation network mapping tool and data center infrastructure management tool). Many DCIM solutions offer users just two or three predefined layers; with netTerrain, you can create an unlimited number of your…

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Why DCIM 3D Views Might Be Snake Oil

Why DCIM 3D Views Might Be Snake Oil

By - February 24, 2016

A post on another blog got us thinking about our days as part of the netViz team and how we still get lots of 3D requests for netTerrain (which does not support 3D for specific reasons we will go over here). While netViz supported 3D, we found it problematic for most applications. Sure, those canned 3D…

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